What is a non-surgical buccal fat removal? Procedure and benefits of non-surgical buccal fat removal in İstanbul, Türkiye

Non-Surgical Buccal Fat Removal: A Minimally Invasive Solution for Facial Contouring. What is a non-surgical buccal fat removal? Non-surgical buccal fat removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps individuals achieve a more contoured facial appearance without undergoing surgery. Learn about the benefits, procedure, and considerations for non-surgical buccal fat removal in this article.

Non-surgical buccal fat removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps individuals achieve a more contoured facial appearance without undergoing surgery. Learn about the benefits, procedure, and considerations for non-surgical buccal fat removal in this article. What is a non-surgical buccal fat removal? Here, procedure and benefits of non-surgical buccal fat removal...


Minimally Invasive Approach: Non-surgical buccal fat removal involves the use of injectables, such as deoxycholic acid, to gradually reduce the size of the buccal fat pads. This approach eliminates the need for surgical incisions and sutures, resulting in reduced downtime and a quicker recovery period.

Facial Contouring: Excessive buccal fat can create a rounded or "baby face" appearance, which may be undesirable for some individuals. Non-surgical buccal fat removal allows for targeted reduction of the fat pads, resulting in enhanced facial contouring and a more defined cheekbone structure.

Natural-Looking Results: When performed by a skilled and experienced healthcare professional, non-surgical buccal fat removal can yield natural-looking results. The gradual reduction in fat volume allows for subtle changes, ensuring a harmonious balance with other facial features. Contact us to meet the experts who perform non-surgical buccal fat removal in Istanbul. Eunike Health provides you with the best non-surgical buccal fat removal doctors and provides you with a good service.


Consultation and Evaluation: The process begins with a thorough consultation with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and determine your suitability for the procedure.

Treatment Planning: Based on your individual needs, the healthcare professional will create a personalized treatment plan. This includes determining the appropriate amount of injectable solution, such as deoxycholic acid, to be administered into the buccal fat pads.

Procedure: Non-surgical buccal fat removal is typically performed in a clinical setting. The healthcare professional will use a fine needle to inject the deoxycholic acid into the targeted areas of the buccal fat pads. The procedure is generally well-tolerated and does not require anesthesia.

Recovery and Results: Following the procedure, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, or discomfort, which should subside within a few days. Over time, the deoxycholic acid works to gradually reduce the size of the buccal fat pads, revealing a more contoured facial appearance. Results become noticeable within weeks to months, and multiple treatment sessions may be required for optimal outcomes. Contact us to meet the experts who perform non-surgical buccal fat removal in Istanbul.

Explore the Eunike Health aesthetic procedures to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in FaceTite to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Eunike Health doctors will be able to provide personalized recommendations and guide you through the process, explaining the potential benefits, risks, and recovery involved in FaceTite that is non-surgical buccal fat removal.


Individual Suitability: Non-surgical buccal fat removal is suitable for individuals who desire a moderate reduction in cheek fullness. It is important to have realistic expectations and understand that the procedure may not be appropriate for everyone.

Qualified Healthcare Professional: To ensure safe and effective treatment, it is crucial to seek the expertise of a qualified healthcare professional experienced in performing non-surgical buccal fat removal. They can assess your specific needs, discuss potential risks and complications, and guide you through the treatment process.

Alternative Options: Non-surgical buccal fat removal may not be the most suitable option for everyone. Your healthcare provider can discuss alternative treatments, such as dermal fillers or surgical buccal fat pad removal, depending on your desired outcome and individual circumstances.

Non-surgical buccal fat removal offers individuals a minimally invasive approach to facial contouring, providing a more sculpted and defined appearance. With its numerous benefits, this procedure has become increasingly popular among those seeking to reduce cheek fullness without undergoing surgery. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine your eligibility, discuss potential risks, and explore alternative options. Achieving the desired results begins with an informed decision and the guidance of a trusted professional. Contact us to meet the experts who perform non-surgical buccal fat removal in Istanbul.


Non-surgical buccal fat removal refers to a cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the fullness of the cheeks without the need for surgical intervention. The buccal fat pads are naturally occurring fat deposits located in the lower cheeks. Some individuals may have more prominent buccal fat pads, resulting in a "chubby" or "baby face" appearance.

In non-surgical buccal fat removal, the procedure typically involves the injection of a substance, such as Kybella (deoxycholic acid), into the buccal fat pads. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the buccal fat pads, it causes the fat cells to gradually diminish in size over time.

The procedure is performed by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, who will carefully assess the patient's facial anatomy and determine the appropriate amount of deoxycholic acid to be injected. The injections are usually administered through small, targeted punctures made on the inside of the mouth, resulting in minimal scarring or visible signs of the procedure.

Non-surgical buccal fat removal is considered a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical buccal fat pad removal, which involves making incisions on the inside of the mouth to remove the fat pads. The non-surgical approach offers several potential benefits, including reduced downtime, fewer risks, and a shorter recovery period compared to surgery.

It's important to note that non-surgical buccal fat removal may not be suitable for everyone. The procedure is typically recommended for individuals with excess buccal fat who desire a more contoured or sculpted facial appearance. However, it's crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to assess your specific needs, eligibility, and potential risks associated with the procedure.

As with any cosmetic procedure, it's essential to have realistic expectations and understand that the results may vary. It's advisable to seek a consultation with a reputable healthcare provider who can evaluate your individual situation, explain the potential benefits and limitations of non-surgical buccal fat removal, and discuss alternative treatment options if necessary. Contact us to meet the experts who perform non-surgical buccal fat removal in Istanbul.

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